Conventions avec la Commission Européenne
- ERC Starting Grant - "Q-LIGHT-TOPO Quantum light-controlled topological phases of matter" (Olesia Dmytruk) 2023-2028
- ERC Consolidator grant - QFTinADS (Balt Van Rees) 2023-2027
- ERC Starting Grant - HoloHair "Information Encoding in Quantum Gravity and the Black Hole Information Paradox" (Andrea Puhm) 2020-2025 (A. P. left the CPHT in October 2023 and he’s now Researcher at the University of Amsterdam.)
- Bourse Marie Skłodowska-Curie JQ4LHC "Jet quenching for heavy-ion collisions at the LHC" (Carlota Andres Casas) 2021-2023
- Bourse Marie Skłodowska-Curie QuasiHydro "Beyond hydrodynamics" (Daniel Brattan) 2021-2023
- Bourse Marie Skłodowska-Curie SymCO "Asymptotic Symmetries: from Concepts to Observations" (Blagoje Oblak) 2020-2022
- Bourse Marie Skłodowska-Curie 2DMAGICS "Two-dimensional magnetism in correlated systems" (Evgeny Stepanov) 2020-2022
- ERC Consolidator grant - "Random Tensors and Field Theory RTFT" (Razvan Gurau) 2019-2023 (R. G. left the CPHT in December 2020 and he’s now Professor at the University of Heidelberg.)
- STRONG-2020: "The strong interaction at the frontier of knowledge: fundamental research and applications" (Cyrille Marquet) 2019-2023
- ERC Starting Grant - "Hydrodynamics, holography and strongly-coupled quantum matter" HHQM (Blaise Goutéraux) 2018-2022
- ERC Consolidator Grant - "Predictive electronic structure calculations for materials with strong electronic correlations: long-range Coulomb interactions and many-body screening" CORRELMAT (Silke Biermann) 2014-2019
- ERC Synergy Grant - "Frontiers in Quantum Materials Control" QMAC(Antoine Georges) 2013-2020
- AWP-ENR CEA-06 - "Implementation of a Fokker-Planck collision module into the 3D hybrid bi-fluid kinetic code XTOR-K using a Langevin formulation" (Hinrich Lütjens, groupe plasmas magnétisés) 2017-2018
- EUROfusion (Stefan Hüller, Hinrich Lutjens, Timothée Nicolas)
- ERC "Mass hierarchy and particle physics at the TeV scale( MASSTEV)" (Ignatios Antoniadis) 2008-2014