Sont listées ci-dessous, par année, les publications figurant dans l'archive ouverte HAL.
Two-dimensional Hubbard model at finite temperature: Weak, strong, and long correlation regimes
- Iv Fedor Šimkovic
- Rossi Riccardo
- Ferrero Michel
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.043201 -
Light-induced translation symmetry breaking via nonlinear phononics
- Gómez Pueyo Adrián
- Subedi Alaska
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevB.106.214305 -
Light-induced translation symmetry breaking via nonlinear phononics
- Gómez Pueyo Adrián
- Subedi Alaska
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevB.106.214305 -
Tuning the Fermi liquid crossover in Sr2RuO4 with uniaxial stress
- Chronister A.
- Zingl M.
- Pustogow A.
- Luo Yongkang
- Sokolov D.
- Jerzembeck F.
- Kikugawa N.
- Hicks C.
- Mravlje J.
- Bauer E.
- Thompson J.
- Mackenzie A.
- Georges A.
- Brown S.
DOI : 10.1038/s41535-022-00519-6 -
Possible structural quantum criticality tuned by rare-earth ion substitution in infinite-layer nickelates
- Subedi Alaska
Snowmass 2021 White Paper: Electron Ion Collider for High Energy Physics
- Khalek R. Abdul
- d'Alesio U.
- Arratia M.
- Bacchetta A.
- Battaglieri M.
- Begel M.
- Boglione M.
- Boughezal R.
- Boussarie Renaud
- Bozzi G.
- Chekanov S. V.
- Celiberto F. G.
- Chirilli G.
- Cridge T.
- Cruz-Torres R.
- Corliss R.
- Cotton C.
- Davoudiasl H.
- Deshpande A.
- Dong X.
- Emmert A.
- Fazio S.
- Forte S.
- Furletova Y.
- Gal C.
- Gwenlan C.
- Guzey V.
- Harland-Lang L. A.
- Helenius I.
- Hentschinski M.
- Hobbs T. J.
- Hoeche S.
- Hou T.-J.
- Ji Y.
- Jing X.
- Kelsey M.
- Klasen M.
- Kang Z.-B.
- Kovchegov Y. V.
- Kumar K. S.
- Lappi T.
- Lee K.
- Lee Y.-J.
- Li H.-T.
- Li X.
- Lin H.-W.
- Liu H.
- Liu Z. L.
- Liuti S.
- Lorce C.
- Lunghi E.
- Marcarelli R.
- Magill S.
- Makris Y.
- Mantry S.
- Melnitchouk W.
- Mezrag C.
- Moch S.
- Moutarde H.
- Mukherjee Swagato
- Murgia F.
- Nachman B.
- Nadolsky P. M.
- Nam J. D.
- Neill D.
- Neill E. T.
- Nocera E.
- Nycz M.
- Olness F.
- Petriello F.
- Pitonyak D.
- Platzer S.
- Prestel S.
- Prokudin A.
- Qiu J.
- Radici M.
- Radhakrishnan S.
- Sadofyev A.
- Rojo J.
- Ringer F.
- Salazar F.
- Sato N.
- Schenke B.
- Schlichting S.
- Schweitzer P.
- Sekula S. J.
- Shao D. Y.
- Sherrill N.
- Sichtermann E.
- Signori A.
- Simsek K.
- Simonelli A.
- Sznajder P.
- Tezgin K.
- Thorne R. S.
- Tricoli A.
- Venugopalan R.
- Vladimirov A.
- Vicini A.
- Vitev I.
- Wiegand D.
- Wong C.-P.
- Xie K.
- Zaccheddu M.
- Zhao Y.
- Zhang J.
- Zheng X.
- Zurita P.
Causality constraints on nonlinear supersymmetry
- Bonnefoy Quentin
- Casagrande Gabriele
- Dudas Emilian
- Dudas Emilian
DOI : 10.1007/JHEP11(2022)113 -
Magnetic and optical properties of correlated rare-earth compounds from first principles
- Boust James
Shafranov shift correction to the Furth-Yoshikawa scaling of tokamak adiabatic compression
- Nicolas T
- Lütjens H
- Sauter O
- Garbet X
Two-loop three-gluon vertex from the Curci-Ferrari model and its leading infrared behavior to all loop orders
- Barrios Nahuel
- Peláez Marcela
- Reinosa Urko
Holographic Lorentz and Carroll Frames
- Campoleoni Andrea
- Ciambelli Luca
- Delfante Arnaud
- Marteau Charles
- Petropoulos P. Marios
- Ruzziconi Romain
Kinematical higher-twist corrections in $\gamma^* \gamma \to M \bar M $
- Lorcé Cédric
- Pire Bernard
- Song Qin-Tao
Consistent Kaluza-Klein Truncations and Two-Dimensional Gauged Supergravity
- Bossard Guillaume
- Ciceri Franz
- Inverso Gianluca
- Kleinschmidt Axel
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.201602 -
Mega-Hertz Gravitational Waves from Neutron Star Mergers
- Casalderrey-Solana Jorge
- Mateos David
- Sanchez-Garitaonandia Mikel
Reverse wavefront engineering for remote generation of a near-infrared femtosecond Bessel beam filament in air
- Zou Long
- Sun Chen
- Rao Yunfei
- Sun Tianyang
- Yu Jin
- Couairon Arnaud
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.043025 -
Mesoscopic fluctuating domains in strontium titanate
- Fauqué Benoît
- Bourges Philippe
- Subedi Alaska
- Behnia Kamran
- Baptiste Benoît
- Roessli Bertrand
- Fennell Tom
- Raymond Stéphane
- Steffens Paul
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevB.106.L140301 -
Tunable stripe order and weak superconductivity in the Moiré Hubbard model
- Wietek Alexander
- Wang Jie
- Zang Jiawei
- Cano Jennifer
- Georges Antoine
- Millis Andrew
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.043048 -
Reverse wavefront engineering for remote generation of a near-infrared femtosecond Bessel beam filament in air
- Zou Long
- Sun Chen
- Rao Yunfei
- Sun Tianyang
- Yu Jin
- Couairon Arnaud
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.043025 -
Far-from-equilibrium dynamics and entanglement in long-range quantum systems
- Schneider Jan
Perturbative renormalization of ϕ44 theory on the half space R+×R3 with flow equations
- Borji Majdouline
- Kopper Christoph
DOI : 10.1063/5.0097164 -
Signature of Accidental Symmetry Breaking in Two-particle Correlations within the CGC
- Kohara Anderson Kendi
- Marquet Cyrille
- Vila Víctor
DOI : 10.5506/APhysPolBSupp.16.5-A25 -
Magnetosphere‐Ionosphere‐Thermosphere Coupling study at Jupiter Based on Juno’s First 30 Orbits and Modeling Tools
- Al Saati S.
- Clément N.
- Louis C.
- Blanc M.
- Wang Y.
- André N.
- Lamy L.
- Bonfond B.
- Collet B.
- Allegrini F.
- Bolton S.
- Clark G.
- Connerney J.
- Gérard J.‐c.
- Gladstone G.
- Kotsiaros S.
- Kurth W.
- Mauk B.
DOI : 10.1029/2022JA030586 -
Spectral and magnetic properties of copper oxides : towards a theoretical description from first principles
- Bacq-Labreuil Benjamin
Spectral and magnetic properties of copper oxides : towards a theoretical description from first principles
- Bacq Benjamin
Yang-Mills and Quantum Chromodynamics correlation functions from the Curci-Ferrari model at two-loop accuracy
- Barrios Nahuel