Sont listées ci-dessous, par année, les publications figurant dans l'archive ouverte HAL.
Non-perturbative Effects in String Theory
- Condeescu Cezar
Hard exclusive processes in the backward region
- Lansberg J.-P.
- Pire B.
- Szymanowski L.
Nonlinear modification of the stability of fast particle driven modes in tokamaks
- Nguyen C
- Garbet X
- Grandgirard V
- Decker J
- Guimarães-Filho Z
- Lesur M
- Lütjens Hinrich
- Merle A
- Sabot R
DOI : 10.1088/0741-3335/52/12/124034 -
E 7(7) symmetry in perturbatively quantised $ \mathcal{N} = 8 $ supergravity
- Bossard Guillaume
- Hillmann Christian
- Nicolai Hermann
DOI : 10.1007/JHEP12(2010)052 -
Interplay of Spin-Orbit Coupling and Electronic Coulomb Interactions in Strontium Iridate Sr2IrO4
- Martins Cyril
On chiral-odd Generalized Parton Distributions
- Beiyad M. El
- Pire B.
- Segond M.
- Szymanowski L.
- Wallon S.
DVCS off deuteron and twist three contributions
- Anikin I. V.
- Pasechnik R. S.
- Pire B.
- Teryaev O. V.
Quantum entanglement: The unitary 8-vertex braid matrix with imaginary rapidity
- Chakrabarti Amitabha
- Chakraborti Anirban
- Jedidi Aymen
DOI : 10.1088/1751-8113/43/48/482001 -
Existence of metastable kinetic modes
- Nguyen Christine
- Lütjens Hinrich
- Garbet Xavier
- Grandgirard Virginie
- Lesur Maxime
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.205002 -
Exclusive electroproduction of rhoT meson with twist three accuracy
- Anikin I. V.
- Ivanov D. Yu.
- Pire B.
- Szymanowski L.
- Wallon S.
The nucleon's transversity and the photon's distribution amplitude probed in lepton pair photoproduction
- Pire B.
- Szymanowski L.
Features of heavy physics in the CMB power spectrum
- Achúcarro Ana
- Gong Jinn-Ouk
- Hardeman Sjoerd
- Palma Gonzalo A.
- Patil Subodh P.
Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Destabilization of Modes Driven by Fast Particles in Tore-Supra
- Nguyen C
- Merle A
- Guimaraes-Filho Z O
- Garbet X
- Sabot R
- Decker J
- Eriksson L.-G
- Goniche M
- Huysmans G
- Lütjens H
- Maget P
XTOR-2F: A fully implicit Newton–Krylov solver applied to nonlinear 3D extended MHD in tokamaks
- Lütjens Hinrich
- Luciani Jean-François
DOI : 10.1016/ -
Momentum-space anisotropy and pseudogaps: A comparative cluster dynamical mean-field analysis of the doping-driven metal-insulator transition in the two-dimensional Hubbard model
- Gull E.
- Ferrero Michel
- Parcollet O.
- Georges A.
- Millis A.
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.155101 -
First complete NLL BFKL calculation of Mueller Navelet jets at LHC
- Colferai D.
- Schwennsen F.
- Szymanowski L.
- Wallon S.
Spin Observables in Transition-Distribution-Amplitude Studies
- Lansberg J P
- Pire B
- Szymanowski L
DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/295/1/012090 -
Baryon to meson transition distribution amplitudes and their spectral representation
- Pire Bernard
- Semenov-Tian-Shansky Kirill
- Szymanowski Lech
DOI : 10.1063/1.3601415 -
On Climbing Scalars in String Theory
- Dudas E.
- Kitazawa N.
- Sagnotti A.
Non-singular string cosmology in a 2d Hybrid model
- Florakis Ioannis
- Kounnas Costas
- Partouche Herve
- Toumbas Nicolaos
Non-linear MSSM
- Antoniadis I.
- Dudas E.
- Ghilencea D. M.
- Tziveloglou P.
Influence of the Weibel instability on the expansion of a plasma slab into a vacuum
- Thaury Cédric
- Mora P
- Héron A
- Adam Jean-Claude
- Antonsen Thomas M.
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevE.82.026408 -
Single Transverse-Spin Asymmetry in Hard-Exclusive Meson Electroproduction in the Backward Region
- Lansberg J. P.
- Pire B.
- Szymanowski L.
Linearized group field theory and power-counting theorems
- Geloun Joseph Ben
- Krajewski Thomas
- Magnen Jacques
- Rivasseau Vincent
DOI : 10.1088/0264-9381/27/15/155012 -
Interplane charge dynamics in a valence-bond dynamical mean-field theory of cuprate superconductors
- Ferrero Michel
- Parcollet O.
- Georges A.
- Kotliar G.
- Basov D.
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.054502