The SAGEX Review on Scattering Amplitudes, Chapter 11: Soft Theorems and Celestial Amplitudes
- Mcloughlin Tristan
- Puhm Andrea
- Raclariu Ana-Maria
DOI : 10.1088/1751-8121/ac9a40 -
Signatures of the Yang-Mills deconfinement transition from the gluon two-point correlator
- van Egmond Duifje Maria
- Reinosa Urko
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevD.106.074005 -
Result of the MICROSCOPE weak equivalence principle test
- Touboul Pierre
- Métris Gilles
- Rodrigues Manuel
- Bergé Joel
- Robert Alain
- Baghi Quentin
- André Yves
- Bedouet Judicael
- Boulanger Damien
- Bremer Stefanie
- Carle Patrice
- Chhun Ratana
- Christophe Bruno
- Cipolla Valerio
- Damour Thibault
- Danto Pascale
- Demange Louis
- Dittus Hansjoerg
- Dhuicque Océane
- Fayet Pierre
- Foulon Bernard
- Guidotti Pierre-Yves
- Hagedorn Daniel
- Hardy Emilie
- Huynh Phuong-Anh
- Kayser Patrick
- Lala Stephanie
- Lämmerzahl Claus
- Lebat Vincent
- Liorzou Françoise
- List Meike
- Löffler Frank
- Panet Isabelle
- Pernot-Borràs Martin
- Perraud Laurent
- Pires Sandrine
- Pouilloux Benjamin
- Prieur Pascal
- Rebray Alexandre
- Reynaud Serge
- Rievers Benny
- Selig Hanns
- Serron Laura
- Sumner Timothy
- Tanguy Nicolas
- Torresi Patrizia
- Visser Pieter
DOI : 10.1088/1361-6382/ac84be -
New horizons for fundamental physics with LISA
- Arun K.G.
- Belgacem Enis
- Benkel Robert
- Bernard Laura
- Berti Emanuele
- Bertone Gianfranco
- Besancon Marc
- Blas Diego
- Böhmer Christian G.
- Brito Richard
- Calcagni Gianluca
- Cardenas-Avendaño Alejandro
- Clough Katy
- Crisostomi Marco
- de Luca Valerio
- Doneva Daniela
- Escoffier Stephanie
- Ezquiaga Jose Maria
- Ferreira Pedro G.
- Fleury Pierre
- Foffa Stefano
- Franciolini Gabriele
- Frusciante Noemi
- García-Bellido Juan
- Herdeiro Carlos
- Hertog Thomas
- Hinderer Tanja
- Jetzer Philippe
- Lombriser Lucas
- Maggio Elisa
- Maggiore Michele
- Mancarella Michele
- Maselli Andrea
- Nampalliwar Sourabh
- Nichols David
- Okounkova Maria
- Pani Paolo
- Paschalidis Vasileios
- Raccanelli Alvise
- Randall Lisa
- Renaux-Petel Sébastien
- Riotto Antonio
- Ruiz Milton
- Saffer Alexander
- Sakellariadou Mairi
- Saltas Ippocratis D.
- Sathyaprakash B.S.
- Shao Lijing
- Sopuerta Carlos F.
- Sotiriou Thomas P.
- Stergioulas Nikolaos
- Tamanini Nicola
- Vernizzi Filippo
- Witek Helvi
- Wu Kinwah
- Yagi Kent
- Yazadjiev Stoytcho
- Yunes Nicolas
- Zilhao Miguel
- Afshordi Niayesh
- Angonin Marie-Christine
- Baibhav Vishal
- Barausse Enrico
- Barreiro Tiago
- Bartolo Nicola
- Bellomo Nicola
- Ben-Dayan Ido
- Bergshoeff Eric A.
- Bernuzzi Sebastiano
- Bertacca Daniele
- Bhagwat Swetha
- Bonga Béatrice
- Burko Lior M.
- Compere Geoffrey
- Cusin Giulia
- da Silva Antonio
- Das Saurya
- de Rham Claudia
- Destounis Kyriakos
- Dimastrogiovanni Ema
- Duque Francisco
- Easther Richard
- Farmer Hontas
- Fasiello Matteo
- Fisenko Stanislav
- Fransen Kwinten
- Frauendiener Jörg
- Gair Jonathan
- Gergely Laszlo Arpad
- Gerosa Davide
- Gualtieri Leonardo
- Han Wen-Biao
- Hees Aurelien
- Helfer Thomas
- Hennig Jörg
- Jenkins Alexander C.
- Kajfasz Eric
- Kaloper Nemanja
- Karas Vladimir
- Kavanagh Bradley J.
- Klioner Sergei A.
- Koushiappas Savvas M.
- Lagos Macarena
- Poncin-Lafitte Le Christophe
- Lobo Francisco S.N.
- Markakis Charalampos
- Martin-Moruno Prado
- Martins C.J. A.P.
- Matarrese Sabino
- Mayerson Daniel R.
- Mimoso José P.
- Noller Johannes
- Nunes Nelson J.
- Oliveri Roberto
- Orlando Giorgio
- Pappas George
- Pikovski Igor
- Pilo Luigi
- Podolsky Jiri
- Pratten Geraint
- Prokopec Tomislav
- Qi Hong
- Rastgoo Saeed
- Ricciardone Angelo
- Rollo Rocco
- Rubiera-Garcia Diego
- Sergijenko Olga
- Shapiro Stuart
- Shoemaker Deirdre
- Spallicci Alessandro
- Stashko Oleksandr
- Stein Leo C.
- Tasinato Gianmassimo
- Tolley Andrew J.
- Vagenas Elias C.
- Vandoren Stefan
- Vernieri Daniele
- Vicente Rodrigo
- Wiseman Toby
- Zhdanov Valery I.
- Zumalacárregui Miguel
DOI : 10.1007/s41114-022-00036-9 -
HiRISE - High-Resolution Imaging and Spectroscopy Explorer - Ultrahigh resolution, interferometric and external occulting coronagraphic science
- Erdélyi Robertus
- Damé Luc
- Fludra Andrzej
- Mathioudakis Mihalis
- Amari T.
- Belucz B.
- Berrilli F.
- Bogachev S.
- Bolsée D.
- Bothmer V.
- Brun S.
- Dewitte S.
- Dudok de Wit Thierry
- Faurobert M.
- Gizon L.
- Gyenge N.
- Korsós M.
- Labrosse N.
- Matthews S.
- Meftah Mustapha
- Morgan H.
- Pallé P.
- Rochus P.
- Rozanov E.
- Schmieder B.
- Tsinganos K.
- Verwichte E.
- Zharkov S.
- Zuccarello F.
- Wimmer-Schweingruber R.
DOI : 10.1007/s10686-022-09831-2 -
Equipartition of entanglement in quantum Hall states
- Oblak Blagoje
- Regnault Nicolas
- Estienne Benoit
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115131 -
Record statistics for random walks and L\'evy flights with resetting
- Majumdar Satya N.
- Mounaix Philippe
- Sabhapandit Sanjib
- Schehr Gregory
DOI : 10.1088/1751-8121/ac3fc1 -
Equation-of-motion and Lorentz-invariance relations for tensor-polarized parton distribution functions of spin-1 hadrons
- Kumano S.
- Song Qin-Tao
DOI : 10.1016/j.physletb.2022.136908 -
Perturbative renormalization of $\phi_4^4$ theory on the half space $\mathbb{R}^+ \times\mathbb{R}^3$ with flow equations
- Borji Majdouline
- Kopper Christoph
DOI : 10.1063/5.0097164 -
Unraveling correlated material properties with noisy quantum computers: Natural orbitalized variational quantum eigensolving of extended impurity models within a slave-boson approach
- Besserve Pauline
- Ayral Thomas
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115108 -
The F-theorem in the melonic limit
- Benedetti Dario
- Gurau Razvan
- Harribey Sabine
- Lettera Davide
DOI : 10.1007/JHEP02(2022)147 -
Polyakov loop, gluon mass, gluon condensate, and its asymmetry near deconfinement
- Dudal D.
- van Egmond D.M.
- Reinosa U.
- Vercauteren D.
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevD.106.054007 -
Topological superconductivity on the honeycomb lattice: Effect of normal state topology
- Wolf Sebastian
- Gardener Tyler
- Le Hur Karyn
- Rachel Stephan
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L100505 -
A novel background field approach to the confinement-deconfinement transition
- van Egmond Duifje Maria
- Reinosa Urko
- Serreau Julien
- Tissier Matthieu
DOI : 10.21468/SciPostPhys.12.3.087 -
Melonic Large $N$ Limit of $5$-Index Irreducible Random Tensors
- Carrozza Sylvain
- Harribey Sabine
DOI : 10.1007/s00220-021-04299-1 -
Spin dynamics of itinerant electrons: Local magnetic moment formation and Berry phase
- Stepanov E.A.
- Brener S.
- Harkov V.
- Katsnelson M.I.
- Lichtenstein A.I.
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155151 -
Sextic tensor model in rank 3 at next-to-leading order
- Harribey Sabine
DOI : 10.1007/JHEP10(2022)037 -
Femtosecond laser-induced sub-wavelength plasma inside dielectrics. II. Second-harmonic generation
- Ardaneh Kazem
- Hassan Mostafa
- Morel Benoît
- Meyer Rémi
- Giust Remo
- Couairon Arnaud
- Bonnaud Guy
- Courvoisier François
DOI : 10.1063/5.0090270 -
Celestial holography on Kerr-Schild backgrounds
- Gonzo Riccardo
- Mcloughlin Tristan
- Puhm Andrea
DOI : 10.1007/JHEP10(2022)073 -
Planckian metal at a doping-induced quantum critical point
- Dumitrescu Philipp T.
- Wentzell Nils
- Georges Antoine
- Parcollet Olivier
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L180404 -
Precession Caused by Gravitational Waves
- Seraj Ali
- Oblak Blagoje
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.061101 -
Bootstrapping line defects with $O(2)$ global symmetry
- Gimenez-Grau Aleix
- Lauria Edoardo
- Liendo Pedro
- van Vliet Philine
DOI : 10.1007/JHEP11(2022)018 -
Pion and nucleon relativistic charge four-current distributions
- Chen Yi
- Lorcé Cédric
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevD.106.116024 -
Relativistic fluids, hydrodynamic frames and their Galilean versus Carrollian avatars
- Petkou Anastasios C.
- Petropoulos P. Marios
- Betancour David Rivera
- Siampos Konstantinos
DOI : 10.1007/JHEP09(2022)162 -
Algorithmically Solving the Tadpole Problem
- Bena Iosif
- Blåbäck Johan
- Graña Mariana
- Lüst Severin
DOI : 10.1007/s00006-021-01189-6