Shifting spin on the celestial sphere
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Instability of complex CFTs with operators in the principal series
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Phenomenological assessment of proton mechanical properties from deeply virtual Compton scattering
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Analytical approach for the Mott transition in the Kane-Mele-Hubbard model
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Energy-momentum tensor in QCD: nucleon mass decomposition and mechanical equilibrium
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Skewed non-Fermi liquids and the Seebeck effect
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Schrodinger's original quantum-mechanical solution for hydrogen
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Plasmas créés par laser: Généralités et applications choisies
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Extracting color octet NRQCD matrix elements from $J/\psi$ production at the EIC
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Comparing light-front quantization with instant-time quantization
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Double Copy for Celestial Amplitudes
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Topological Bifurcations and Reconstruction of Travelling Waves
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Coulomb gluons will generally destroy coherence
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Quantum system dynamics with a weakly nonlinear Josephson junction bath
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Ergodic edge modes in the 4D quantum Hall effect
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Revisiting the conformally soft sector with celestial diamonds
- Pasterski Sabrina
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Quantum Entangled Fractional Topology and Curvatures
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Wavefunction of the universe: Reparametrization invariance and field redefinitions of the minisuperspace path integral
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Incoherent hydrodynamics of density waves in magnetic fields
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Functional renormalization group and 2PI effective action formalism
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Celestial diamonds: conformal multiplets in celestial CFT
- Pasterski Sabrina
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Spreading of Correlations and Entanglement in the Long-Range Transverse Ising Chain
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On overlapping Feynman (sub)graphs
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Observation and modelling of Stimulated Raman Scattering driven by an optically smoothed laser beam in experimental conditions relevant for Shock Ignition
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A fixed-target programme at the LHC: Physics case and projected performances for heavy-ion, hadron, spin and astroparticle studies
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