Non-vanishing zero-temperature normal density in holographic superfluids
- Goutéraux Blaise
- Mefford Eric
DOI : 10.1007/JHEP11(2020)091 -
Weyl Connections and their Role in Holography
- Ciambelli Luca
- Leigh Robert G.
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.086020 -
Diffractive deeply virtual Compton scattering
- Pire Bernard
- Szymanowski Lech
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From Topological Superconductivity to Quantum Hall States in Coupled Wires
- Yang Fan M
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Probing jet medium interactions via $Z(H)$ + jet momentum imbalances
- Chen Lin
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- Zhang Han-Zhong
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Gapless and gapped holographic phonons
- Amoretti Andrea
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$SO(3)$-invariant phase of the $O(N)^3$ tensor model
- Benedetti Dario
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Near Conformal Perturbation Theory in SYK Type Models
- Das Sumit R.
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Normal charge densities in quantum critical superfluids
- Goutéraux Blaise
- Mefford Eric
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.161604 -
Applications of Alpha Space
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DOI : 10.1007/JHEP12(2020)048 -
Photoproduction of three jets in the CGC: gluon TMDs and dilute limit
- Altinoluk Tolga
- Boussarie Renaud
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DOI : 10.1007/JHEP07(2020)143 -
Fluid modelling of Stimulated Raman Scattering accounting for trapped particles benchmarked against fully kinetic simulations
- Tran Guillaume
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Lieb-Liniger Bosons in a Shallow Quasiperiodic Potential: Bose Glass Phase and Fractal Mott Lobes
- Yao Hepeng
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Generation of ultra-energetic ions by interaction of petawatt lasers with micrometer-scale foils
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The generalised infrared structure of the gluon propagator
- Li Shirley Weishi
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On the stability of open-string orbifold models with broken supersymmetry
- Abel Steven
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Medium-Induced Transverse Momentum Broadening via Forward Dijet Correlations
- Jia Jiangyong
- Wei Shu-Yi
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DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.094008 -
Analytic constraints on the energy-momentum tensor in conformal field theories
- Lorcé Cédric
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Particle-number distribution in large fluctuations at the tip of branching random walks
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Universality of the Poincaré gravitational form factor constraints
- Lorcé Cédric
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1/8-BPS Couplings and Exceptional Automorphic Functions
- Bossard Guillaume
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J/ψ meson production in SIDIS: matching high and low transverse momentum
- Boer Daniël
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DOI : 10.1007/JHEP09(2020)040 -
Supersymmetric Rényi entropy and charged hyperbolic black holes
- Hosseini Seyed Morteza
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DOI : 10.1007/JHEP07(2020)131 -
Localized rainbows in the QCD phase diagram
- Maelger J.
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DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.014028 -
Efficient One-Loop-Renormalized Vertex Expansions with Connected Determinant Diagrammatic Monte Carlo
- Šimkovic Fedor
- Rossi Riccardo
- Ferrero Michel
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevB.102.195122