Strongly-correlated ultracold bosons in one dimension
- Sanchez-Palencia Laurent
Global Non-Potential Magnetic Models of the Solar Corona During the March 2015 Eclipse
- Yeates Anthony
- Amari Tahar
- Contopoulos Ioannis
- Feng Xueshang
- Mackay Duncan
- Mikić Zoran
- Wiegelmann Thomas
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- Lowder Christopher
- Morgan Huw
- Petrie Gordon
- Rachmeler Laurel
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- Chopin Pierre
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- Druckmüller Miloslav
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Asymptotics for the expected maximum of random walks and Lévy flights with a constant drift
- Mounaix Philippe
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Numerical experiments of island stabilization by RF heating with stiff temperature profile
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The origin of the nucleon mass
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Quantum no-scale regimes and string moduli
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Heavy to Light Meson Semileptonic Decays Form Factors
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Investigation of supersonic heatconductivity linear waves in ablation flows
- Varillon G
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Correlation spreading in out-of-equilibrium quantum systems with long-range interactions
- Sanchez-Palencia Laurent
Universal Scaling Laws for Correlation Spreading in Quantum Systems with Short- and Long-Range Interactions
- Cevolani Lorenzo
- Despres Julien
- Carleo Giuseppe
- Tagliacozzo Luca
- Sanchez-Palencia Laurent
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Engineering quantum spin liquids and many-body Majorana states with a driven superconducting box circuit
- Yang Fan
- Henriet Loïc
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Free boundary 3D ideal MHD equilibrium calculations for non-linearly saturated current driven external kink modes in tokamaks
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Diffractive patterns in deep-inelastic scattering and parton genealogy
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Observation of Poiseuille flow of phonons in black phosphorus
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Future physics opportunities for high-density QCD at the LHC with heavy-ion and proton beams
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Filamentary Deposition of Laser Energy in Glasses with Bessel Beams
- Couairon Arnaud
- Lamperti Massimo
- Jukna Vytautas
- Jedrkiewicz Ottavia
- Trapani Paolo
- Stoian Radic
- Itina Tatiana
- Xie Chen
- Courvoisier François
Dispersive wave emission from dark solitons and their collision in optical fibers
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- Mussot Arnaud
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IUPAP Report 41 Introduction
- Thomas Anthony W.
- Gade Alexandra
- Lorce Cedric
- Mueller Berndt
- Erler Jens
- Durante Marco
- En'Yo Hideto
- Alamanos Nicolas
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Measurements of fluence profiles in femtosecond laser sparks and superfilaments in air
- Samsonova Zhanna
- Kartashov Daniil
- Spielmann Christian
- Bodrov Sergey
- Murzanev Aleksey
- Jukna Vytautas
- Petrarca Massimo
- Couairon Arnaud
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DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevA.97.063841 -
Ab initio calculations of the linear and nonlinear susceptibilities of N 2 , O 2 , and air in midinfrared laser pulses
- Brown Jeffrey
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2PI effective action for the SYK model and tensor field theories
- Benedetti Dario
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Enhancement and control of laser wakefields via a backward Raman amplifier
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Pseudogap and Fermi-Surface Topology in the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model
- Wu Wei
- Scheurer Mathias
- Chatterjee Shubhayu
- Sachdev Subir
- Georges Antoine
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A fixed-target programme at the LHC for heavy-ion, hadron, spin and astroparticle physics: AFTER@LHC
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Signature of gluon saturation in forward di-hadron correlations at the Large Hadron Collider
- Giacalone Giuliano
- Marquet Cyrille
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