Departure from the Wiedemann–Franz law in WP2 driven by mismatch in T-square resistivity prefactors
- Jaoui Alexandre
- Fauqué Benoît
- Rischau Carl Willem
- Subedi Alaska
- Fu Chenguang
- Gooth Johannes
- Kumar Nitesh
- Süss Vicky
- Maslov Dmitrii L
- Felser Claudia
- Behnia Kamran
DOI : 10.1038/s41535-018-0136-x -
Quantum stability in open string theory with broken supersymmetry
- Partouche Herve
DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/1586/1/012036 -
Electronic correlations in crystalline materials: itinerant metals and localized magnets
- Pourovskii Leonid
Quantum no-scale regimes and string moduli
- Partouche Herve
DOI : 10.3390/universe4110123 -
Disordered quantum gases II: Anderson localization of 1D matter waves
- Sanchez-Palencia Laurent
Out-of-equilibrium dynamics in some correlated quantum systems
- Sanchez-Palencia Laurent
Disordered quantum gases I: Controlled disorder in ultracold quantum gases
- Sanchez-Palencia Laurent
Disordered quantum gases III: Anderson localization of 3D matter waves
- Sanchez-Palencia Laurent
Probing axial quark generalized parton distributions through exclusive photoproduction of a $\gamma\,\pi^\pm$ pair with a large invariant mass
- Duplančić G.
- Passek-Kumerički K.
- Pire B.
- Szymanowski L.
- Wallon S.
Comprehensive linear model for the n = m = 1 fishbone kinetic-MHD instability
- Brochard G.
- Dümont R.
- Garbet X.
- Lutjens H.
- Nicolas T.
- Orain F.
DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/1125/1/012003 -
Disordered quantum gases IV: Disorder in correlated ultracold gases
- Sanchez-Palencia Laurent
Ultra-peripheral-collision studies in the fixed-target mode with the proton and lead LHC beams
- Yamanaka Nodoka
- Hadjidakis C.
- Kikoła D.
- Lansberg J.P.
- Massacrier L.
- Echevarria M.G.
- Kusina A.
- Schienbein I.
- Seixas J.
- Shao H.S.
- Signori A.
- Trzeciak B.
- Brodsky S.J.
- Cavoto G.
- da Silva C.
- Donato F.
- Ferreiro E.G.
- Hrivnácová I.
- Klein A.
- Kurepin A.
- Lorcé C.
- Lyonnet F.
- Makdisi Y.
- Porteboeuf S.
- Quintans C.
- Rakotozafindrabe A.
- Robbe P.
- Scandale W.
- Topilskaya N.
- Uras A.
- Wagner J.
- Yang Z.
- Zelenski A.
DOI : 10.22323/1.345.0184 -
Wigner Functions and Nucleon Structure
- Pasquini Barbara
- Lorcé Cédric
DOI : 10.1142/9789811214950_0013 -
Mass structure and pressure forces inside the nucleon
- Lorcé Cédric
DOI : 10.1142/9789811214950_0044 -
Probing the high-$x$ content of the nuclei in the fixed-target mode at the LHC
- Kusina Aleksander
- Hadjidakis C.
- Kikola D.
- Lansberg J.P.
- Massacrier L.
- Echevarria M.G.
- Schienbein I.
- Seixas J.
- Shao H.S.
- Signori A.
- Trzeciak B.
- Brodsky S.J.
- Cavoto G.
- da Silva C.
- Donato F.
- Ferreiro E.G.
- Hrivnacova I.
- Klein A.
- Kurepin A.
- Lorce C.
- Lyonnet F.
- Makdisi Y.
- Porteboeuf S.
- Quintans C.
- Rakotozafindrabe A.
- Robbe P.
- Scandale W.
- Topilskaya N.
- Uras A.
- Wagner J.
- Yamanaka N.
- Yang Z.
- Zelenski A.
DOI : 10.22323/1.345.0110 -
High-luminosity fixed-target experiments at the LHC
- Hadjidakis Cynthia
- Brodsky S.J.
- Cavoto G.
- da Silva C.
- Donato F.
- Echevarria M.G.
- Ferreiro E.G.
- Hřivnáčová I.
- Kikola D.
- Klein A.
- Kurepin A.
- Kusina A.
- Lansberg J.P.
- Lorcé C.
- Lyonnet F.
- Makdisi Y.
- Massacrier L.
- Porteboeuf S.
- Quintans C.
- Rakotozafindrabe A.
- Robbe P.
- Scandale W.
- Schienbein I.
- Seixas J.
- Shao H.S.
- Signori A.
- Topilskaya N.
- Trzeciak B.
- Uras A.
- Wagner J.
- Yamanaka N.
- Yang Z.
- Zelenski A.
DOI : 10.22323/1.345.0041 -
Probing jet medium interaction via dijet and photon-jet $p_{\rm T}$ imbalances
- Chen Lin
- Qin Guang-You
- Wei Shu-Yi
- Xiao Bo-Wen
- Zhang Han-Zhong
DOI : 10.22323/1.345.0060 -
Spin Physics with a fixed-target experiment at the LHC
- Echevarria M.G.
- Brodsky S.J.
- Cavoto G.
- da Silva C.
- Donato F.
- Ferreiro E.G.
- Hadjidakis C.
- Hřivnácová I.
- Kikoła D.
- Klein A.
- Kurepin A.
- Kusina A.
- Lansberg J.P.
- Lorcé C.
- Lyonnet F.
- Makdisi Y.
- Massacrier L.
- Porteboeuf S.
- Rakotozafindrabe A.
- Robbe P.
- Scandale W.
- Schienbein I.
- Seixas J.
- Shao H.S.
- Signori A.
- Topilskaya N.
- Trzeciak B.
- Uras A.
- Wagner J.
- Yamanaka N.
- Yang Z.
- Zelenski A.
DOI : 10.22323/1.346.0063 -
Topological Floquet states, artificial gauge fields in strongly correlated quantum fluids
- Plekhanov Kirill
Rejuvenating Functional Responses with Renewal Theory
- Billiard Sylvain
- Bansaye Vincent
- Chazottes J.-R
DOI : 10.1098/rsif.2018.0239 -
Quantum simulation: From basic principles to applications
- Sanchez-Palencia Laurent
Non-linear MHD simulations of sawteeth and their control by current and power depositions
- Février O.
- Nicolas T.
- Maget P.
- Ahn J.-H.
- Garbet X.
- Lütjens H.
DOI : 10.1088/1741-4326/aacbdd -
Quantum simulation of the Hubbard model with ultracold fermions in optical lattices
- Tarruell Leticia
- Sanchez-Palencia Laurent
Rapidity gaps and ancestry
- Le Anh Dung
- Munier Stéphane
DOI : 10.5506/APhysPolBSupp.12.825 -
Fluctuations in small systems
- Munier Stéphane
DOI : 10.5506/APhysPolBSupp.12.967