Simulation des plasmas de tokamak avec XTOR : régimes des dents de scie et évolution vers une modélisation cinétique des ions.
- David Leblond
Measurement and control of plasma oscillations in femtosecond filaments
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Thermal duality and non-singular cosmology in d-dimensional superstrings
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Efficient generation of third harmonic radiation in air filaments: A revisit
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The vanishing volume of D=4 superspace
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Fermi-Liquid Behavior of the Normal Phase of a Strongly Interacting Gas of Cold Atoms
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Non-perturbative transitions among intersecting-brane vacua
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Integral invariants in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories
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On messengers and metastability in gauge mediation
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Statics and dynamics of weakly coupled antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 ladders in a magnetic field
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Estimates of Kolmogorov Complexity in Approximating Cantor Sets
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New ways to access the transverse spin content of the nucleon
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From constructive field theory to fractional stochastic calculus. (I) An introduction: rough path theory and perturbative heuristics
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Uncovering the triple pomeron vertex from Wilson line formalism
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Slow quench dynamics of a trapped one-dimensional Bose gas confined to an optical lattice
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On duality symmetries of supergravity invariants
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Efficient laser-overdense plasma coupling via surface plasma waves and steady magnetic field generation
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Higher-dimensional Rotating Charged Black Holes
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Oscillation regimes of the internal kink mode in tokamak plasmas
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Fine-tuning implications for complementary dark matter and LHC SUSY searches
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