Inflationary de Sitter solutions from superstrings
- Kounnas Costas
- Partouche Herve
Filamentation in Kerr media from pulsed Bessel beams
- Polesana P.
- Franco Michel
- Couairon Arnaud
- Faccio D.
- Trapani P. Di
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevA.77.043814 -
Self-compression of optical laser pulses by filamentation
- Mysyrowicz André
- Couairon Arnaud
- Keller Ursulla
DOI : 10.1088/1367-2630/10/2/025023 -
Holography and Emergent 4D Gravity
- Nitti F.
Exploring improved holographic theories for QCD: Part II
- Gursoy U.
- Kiritsis E.
- Nitti F.
DOI : 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/02/019 -
Exploring improved holographic theories for QCD: part I
- Gürsoy U.
- Kiritsis E.
DOI : 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/02/032 -
Forward THz radiation emission by femtosecond filamentation in gases: theory and experiment
- d'Amico Ciro
- Houard Aurélien
- Akturk Selcuk
- Liu Yi
- Le Bloas J.
- Franco Michel A.
- Prade Bernard
- Couairon Arnaud
- Tikhonchuk Vladimir
- Mysyrowicz André
DOI : 10.1088/1367-2630/10/1/013015 -
Double-gap superconducting proximity effect in armchair carbon nanotubes
- Le Hur Karyn
- Vishveshwara Smitha
- Bena Cristina
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.041406 -
Numerical methods for fluctuation-driven interactions between dielectrics
- Pasquali S.
- Nitti F.
- Maggs A. C.
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.016705 -
Instanton transition in thermal and moduli deformed de Sitter cosmology
- Kounnas Costas
- Partouche Herve
Numerical methods for fluctuation-driven interactions between dielectrics
- Pasquali S.
- Nitti F.
- Maggs A.
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.016705 -
Hard exclusive processes with photons
- Pire B.
- Szymanowski L.
Non-Abelian bundles on heterotic non-compact K3 orbifold blowups
- Nibbelink Stefan Groot
- Correia Filipe Paccetti
- Trapletti Michele
DOI : 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/11/044 -
Constructive field theory without tears
- Magnen Jacques
- Rivasseau Vincent
A New Gauge Mediation Theory
- Antoniadis I.
- Benakli K.
- Delgado A.
- Quiros M.
Nonlinear Force-free Field Modeling of a Solar Active Region around the Time of a Major Flare and Coronal Mass Ejection
- Schrijver Carolus J.
- Derosa M. L.
- Metcalf T.
- Barnes Graham
- Lites Bruce W.
- Tarbell T.
- Mctiernan James M.
- Valori Gherardo
- Wiegelmann Thomas
- Wheatland Michael S.
- Amari Tahar
- Aulanier Guillaume
- Démoulin Pascal
- Fuhrmann Marcel
- Kusano K.
- Régnier Stéphane
- Thalmann Julia K.
DOI : 10.1086/527413 -
Viscoelastic impact between a cylindrical striker and a long cylindrical bar
- Bussac Marie-Noëlle
- Collet Pierre
- Gary Gérard
- Lundberg Bengt
- Mousavi Saed
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2007.02.003 -
Two Photon Distribution Amplitudes
- Beiyad M. El
- Pire B.
- Szymanowski L.
- Wallon S.
Kinetic effects on the electron transport in a Hall effect thruster
- Garrigues Laurent
- Dubuit Nicolas
- Perez-Luna J.
- Hagelaar Gerjan
- Boeuf Jean-Pierre
- Adam J.C.
- Heron A.
Moduli stabilization with Fayet-Iliopoulos uplift
- Dudas E.
- Mambrini Y.
- Pokorski S.
- Romagnoni A.
Transition Distribution Amplitudes for gamma* gamma collisions
- Lansberg J. P.
- Pire B.
- Szymanowski L.
Thermodynamics of the Spin Luttinger Liquid in a Model Ladder Material
- Rüegg Ch.
- Kiefer K.
- Thielemann B.
- Mcmorrow D. F.
- Zapf V.
- Normand Bernard
- Zvonarev M. B.
- Bouillot P.
- Kollath C.
- Giamarchi T.
- Capponi Sylvain
- Poilblanc Didier
- Biner D.
- Krämer K. W.
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.247202 -
Challenges in Hall effect thrusters
- Perez-Luna J.
- Dubuit Nicolas
- Hagelaar Gerjan
- Boeuf Jean-Pierre
Travelling waves and impact-parameter correlations
- Munier S.
- Salam G. P.
- Soyez Gregory
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevD.78.054009 -
Probing Transversity GPDs in Photo and Electroproduction of Two Vector Mesons
- Pire B.
- Szymanowski L.